What do professional carpet cleaners use for pet urine?

It is safe for use on stain-protected carpets and fabric finishes and can be used to neutralize strong odors and disinfect carpets. In addition to worsening pet odors, inadequate carpet cleaning techniques can cause the carpet backing to become wet and, over time, create a musty and musty smell. A professional carpet cleaning contractor will also be able to lift the carpet so that they can clean what is under the backrest, as mentioned, and remove dried urine from the padding underneath. Homeowners should also budget to replace their home carpet every 10 years at most, because carpet fibers retain dirt, dust and odors over time, no matter how well you maintain and clean them. Your carpet cleaning contractor should recommend the best carpet cleaning method for your home, but keep in mind some vital details about the various cleaning options so you know what to expect or ask when scheduling your next carpet cleaning service.

A carpet cleaning contractor can also clean the carpet padding underneath the carpet backing, as needed. Washing carpets with shampoo or steam can also remove fresh debris that a dog or cat may have recently dragged onto the carpet, also eliminating unpleasant odors. Professional carpet cleaners will lift sections of the carpet, as stated, and will clean the bottom of the carpets instead of just the top. To ensure that you keep the carpets in your home in good condition and that they smell as good as possible, check out additional information about the cleaning needed to eliminate pet odors and other vital details about carpet shampoo in general.

In turn, if you invest in the services of a professional carpet cleaner, you'll be less likely to form mold and the unpleasant odors that accompany it. Over time, you may not notice any smell of urine, but once steam or hot water reaches the base of the carpet or the underlying padding, you may notice unpleasant pet odors coming from the carpets.