Unlike sprays and dry cleaners, steam cleaning a carpet will not inject substances that may leave residues in the carpet fibers. Steam cleaning is a really effective and efficient way to eliminate carpet fiber build-up, including mold and pet scents. Some carpet cleaning methods, such as renting a cleaner at the local supermarket, can cause the carpet to accumulate detergent and excess water. To ensure a longer lifespan, maintain appearance and protect indoor air quality, carpets require regular vacuuming with a well-functioning vacuum, equipped with a high-performance filtration bag and strong suction, and cleaning them periodically with wet extraction.
In addition, the deodorizing powders you spray on the carpet tend to accumulate and deposit in the pile, covering the fibers, attracting dirt and potentially damaging the vacuum cleaner. In addition, as dirt increasingly sinks into the carpet due to foot traffic, carpets become more difficult and expensive to clean. Unfortunately, myths about carpet cleaning still exist, and they often give rise to what are simply some bad advice for cleaning carpets. Using a store-bought carpet cleaner that leaves carpets soaked in water for days can promote mold or mildew growth.